Uncategorized – THATCamp Marshall 2018 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org Mon, 02 Apr 2018 12:57:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.12 THATCamp links–for everyone to share http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/2018/03/31/thatcamp-links-for-everyone-to-share/ Sat, 31 Mar 2018 17:42:31 +0000 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/?p=232

Feel free to use this shared document to share links, including links to your own materials (syllabi, etc.). You can then remove the links from this document if you no longer want the material to be public.



#19: Tools and Examples for Digital Composing/Multimedia Essays http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/2018/03/31/19-tools-and-examples-for-digital-composing-multimedia-essays/ Sat, 31 Mar 2018 16:24:46 +0000 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/?p=229

#19: Digital Composing/Multimedia Essays

Links discussed in Session #18 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/2018/03/31/links-discussed-in-session-18/ Sat, 31 Mar 2018 15:30:25 +0000 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/?p=227



Links discussed in Session #12 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/2018/03/31/links-discussed-in-session-12/ Sat, 31 Mar 2018 15:27:52 +0000 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/?p=225 Continue reading ]]>

During session #12 (digital mapping), several websites came up in conversation. I gathered the links and will share them here:

Stanford Spatial History Project: web.stanford.edu/group/spatialhistory/cgi-bin/site/index.php

University of Richmond’s digital scholarship lab (mapping inequality) dsl.richmond.edu/

StoryMaps website (ArcGIS Online); storymaps.arcgis.com/en/

History pin: www.historypin.org/en/

Heurist database: heuristnetwork.org/

Mapping in the Humanities http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/2018/03/10/mapping-in-the-humanities/ Sat, 10 Mar 2018 05:08:58 +0000 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/?p=198 Continue reading ]]>

Given the growing integration of mapping into digital humanities projects, geographic  information systems (GIS) has become a particular useful tool in these endeavors. Whether used as a repository of spatially linked data or as a visualization tool, GIS has created an open invitation for the collaboration of scholars, students, and practitioners from different disciplines. This open invitation can only reach its full potential if current GIS users are able to incorporate non-GIS users into the development of future of projects. With this in mind, I would like to invite current GIS and non-GIS users to a discussion on the concept and capabilities of GIS for mapping purposes in the humanities. In keeping with the spirit of THATCamp, I envision this as a spontaneous discussion/demonstration where we can:

1) share personal views and experiences with mapping tools/software,

2) answer questions or uncertainties that may be keeping you or other users from implementing mapping technology into current or future projects,

3) explore mapping tools/applications,

4) explore opportunities for collaboration.

Participants from all levels of mapping and GIS competency, software operation, and practical backgrounds are welcome! The goal is to share different perspectives and to answer as many questions as possible. I have no preference on the timing of the session, morning or afternoon will work well. However, space and time are limited, so I’m open to a merger with other mapping/GIS sessions as well. I look forward to meeting all campers!


Announcing THATCamp Marshall 2018 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/2012/09/27/hello-world/ Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:59:40 +0000 http://marshall2018.thatcamp.org/?p=1 Continue reading ]]>

THATCamp Marshall 2018 will take place on March 31 at Marshall University’s Visual Arts Center. Registration is now open. For your $30 registration fee, you will be provided with a THATCamp Marshall 2018 t-shirt, lunch, coffee, water, and snacks. Undergraduate and graduate students, your registration is free of charge, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. Students, please make sure to complete the registration form.

You don’t need to be a Marshall student, faculty, or staff member to attend THATCamp Marshall 2018. All are welcome!

Please contact Dr. Kristen Lillvis (lillvis@marshall.edu) with any questions.

We appreciate those who have offered support to THATCamp Marshall 2018. Thank you to the College of Liberal ArtsDepartment of EnglishDepartment of Geography, and Honors College for sponsoring student registrations. Thank you to the School of Art & Design for making the Visual Arts Center available. Thank you to Ohio University’s Office of Instructional Innovation for sponsoring registrations. Thank you to University Communications for supplying us with shirts. Thank you to Jackson Armstrong for his administrative expertise.
